Air testing of non-dwellings

Air Leakage testing is a requirement for all non-dwelling buildings under the England and Wales Building Regulations, Approved Document L2A - Conservation of Fuel and Power. With a few exceptions, all non-dwellings will need to be tested for air tightness compliance, if you are unsure whether your building falls into this category please speak to a member of staff who will be able to let you know.

Is air testing for commercial buildings different to domestic?

The test is conducted in almost the same way as a domestic air tightness test, with different sized fans being used depending on the size of the building.

At JSD Air and Acoustic Testing we offer:

  • 24/7 nationwide non-dwelling air testing services
  • Smoke testing to show air leakage paths
  • Thermal Imaging to identify any air leakage and insulation faults
  • Various sized fans to test most buildings
  • Site visits during construction to help avoid common problem areas and advise on remedial work of any areas that may cause a problem
  • All test are carried out by fully trained and qualified test engineers using UKAS calibrated equipment.
  • JSD is UKAS accredited to test in accordance with relevant regulation to ATTMA TS L2, guaranteeing certificates and reports will be recognised by all building controls.